We're getting ready for an escalation campaign, so I'm frantically painting goblins.
Spearmen are 95% done (battle-ready, not done-done). Still need to base them.
Night Goblin archers are 50% done. I took a few different shots with different camera settings, but I didn't bother with a consistent background. Click the pics for zoom-in.
You'll notice that some of the figs have different skin tones; I was experimenting with what shade of green I wanted and different wash techniques. It's been over 15 years since I've used inks and washes so it took me a little while to come up with something. I might end up going with different skins to give some variety. I'm also tempted to go with brown tunics or hoods. We'll see.
The escalation armies are looking like Orcs & Goblins, Bretonnians, High Elves, Skaven, and Empire.
First battle will be a skirmish at about 250 pts, hopefully around the end of October. Again, we're playing 6th edition Warhammer Fantasy Battle.