Thursday, October 11, 2012


Trying to decide on the color of the dirt for the bases.  I finished five Night Goblin spearmen with (on the left) darker brown for the rocks and dirt, and the five on the right with a lighter gray-brown color.

Down with the brown, or okay with gray?
Whatever I choose will be used on all the bases for the rest of the Orc & Goblin house army.
The biggest issue is what will the color look like on a large scale with the entire army based that way? The grey color is more subtle and keeps the attention on the figs, where it should be. The brown is very strong and might be distracting, but there's something about it that keeps bringing me back.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Finished Product

Here's a few shots of a finished Night Goblin spearmen. They rest have the pebbles and sand glued and are currently drying.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Latest Goblin Figs

We're getting ready for an escalation campaign, so I'm frantically painting goblins.
Spearmen are 95% done (battle-ready, not done-done). Still need to base them.

Night Goblin archers are 50% done.  I took a few different shots with different camera settings, but I didn't bother with a consistent background. Click the pics for zoom-in.

You'll notice that some of the figs have different skin tones; I was experimenting with what shade of green I wanted and different wash techniques. It's been over 15 years since I've used inks and washes so it took me a little while to come up with something. I might end up going with different skins to give some variety. I'm also tempted to go with brown tunics or hoods. We'll see.

The escalation armies are looking like Orcs & Goblins, Bretonnians, High Elves, Skaven, and Empire.
First battle will be a skirmish at about 250 pts, hopefully around the end of October.  Again, we're playing 6th edition Warhammer Fantasy Battle.