Some quick background to explain why the battles are happening:
After some warpstone crashed outsite of an Empire village in the southern part of Talabecland, the Skaven retrieved it after fighting off the local militia. The Skaven chieftan needed to get this warpstone back to his Grey Seer so that they could recharge the Warp Lightning Cannon for their coming battle with the main High Elf force. The High Elf mage caught wind of the new source of warpstone and dispatched a small force to intercept the Skaven raiding party before they could get it back to the main Skaven force.
High Elves vs Skaven
Game 1: Scenario #2 Breakthrough, page 201
Skaven won the fight for the warpstone, and now are trying to deliver it to the main force.
Attackers: Skaven
Defenders: High Elf
Victory Conditions: As per page 202, at the end of battle, each attacking unit in the defenders deployment zone is worth it's value in VPs. No other VPs awarded. The attackers win if they get one third of their total points into the defenders deployment zone (e.g. 1500 point battle, 500 points in the zone)
Affect on Game 2: If the Skaven win they can use the Warp Lightning Cannon
If the High Elves win, the Skaven cannot use the warp lightning cannon (more details in next section)
Scenery needed: maybe a road
Maybe small warp stone
High Elves vs Skaven
Game 2: Scenario #3Meeting Engagement, page 203
Special Rules: As per pg 204, each army writes an Order of Battle, listing where in the column each unit is marching. During alternating deployment, each player starts at top of the list and places units in that order (etc).
The armies have the same point values, but if Skaven won Game 1, they get a Warp Lightening Cannon for free to represent the Skaven raiding party successfully getting the new warpstone to his main force.
If High Elves won Game 1, the Skaven may NOT include a Warp Lightning cannon at all (the Skaven raiding party lost the warpstone to the High Elves and the main Skaven army did not have enough to power the Warp Lightning cannon).
High Elves vs Skaven
Game 2: Scenario #3Meeting Engagement, page 203
Special Rules: As per pg 204, each army writes an Order of Battle, listing where in the column each unit is marching. During alternating deployment, each player starts at top of the list and places units in that order (etc).
The armies have the same point values, but if Skaven won Game 1, they get a Warp Lightening Cannon for free to represent the Skaven raiding party successfully getting the new warpstone to his main force.
If High Elves won Game 1, the Skaven may NOT include a Warp Lightning cannon at all (the Skaven raiding party lost the warpstone to the High Elves and the main Skaven army did not have enough to power the Warp Lightning cannon).
Victory Conditions: same as rule book with following exceptions - no VPs for table quarters; no VPs for captured standards.
Scenery needed: none
Empire vs Lizardmen
Game 1: Scenario #4 Flank Attack page 205
Special Rules: using Scenario #4 as a guide, the Defenders are Lizardmen, with a walled city or fortress on a hill. Deployment zone will be altered a bit to account for available scenery.
Attackers are Empire.
Victory Conditions: same as rule book with following exceptions - no VPs for table quarters; no VPs for captured standards.
Results: if Lizardmen win, game 2 will be the Empire rearguard will try a fighting retreat (scenario #8).
If Empire win, the Empire troops discovered the old Dagger of Sotek in the ruins of the razed fortress but the lizards will Ambush (scenario #6) the Empire in game 2.
Scenery needed: walled fortress, lizard glyphs.
Need small totem pole
Empire vs Lizardmen
Game 2: Scenario #6 Ambush or Scenario #8 Rearguard
If Lizardmen win Game 1, use Scenario #8 Rearguard pg 211, with Empire as the Defenders. The Lizards repelled the Empire attack and now the Empire are retreating back to Talabecland. They have left a small force to protect their line of retreat and buy the main force some time.
Special rules: none
Victory Conditions: same as rule book with following exceptions - no VPs for table quarters; no VPs for captured standards.
If Empire win Game 1, use Scenario #6 Ambush pg209. When word spread that the fortress was lost, the Lizardmen were scattered a bit and the Empire continued to March south. After some time, the Lizardmen regrouped and managed to organize a response, setting up an Ambush for the second battle.
Lizards are the attackers in ambush scenario.
Special Rules: Ambush rules, plus Empire set up in an Order of Battle column (similar to Meeting Engagement setup). Dagger of Sotek - this is a Lizardmen-only magic item that an Empire character may use for free, conferring +1 Strength in combat. However, the thought of losing the weapon has so unnerved the normally cold-blooded Lizards that the special effect on Skaven will affect the Lizardmen. If a Lizardmen unit takes 1 or more wounds from the Dagger of Sotek, any Lizardmen rank bonus is discounted when working out close combat results.
Victory Conditions: same as rule book with following exceptions - no VPs for table quarters; no VPs for captured standards.