Played a game of AoS last night, but it was a bit of a turnabout: played at an old friend's house but the twist was that he taught me Warhammer back when 4th edition came out and now I taught him AoS.
Only managed to get pictures from deployment through the first turn, then I was consumed by the game and forgot to take more.
We used some basic army lists with no points, and a simple scenario I grabbed from Neil Thomas' fantastic book "One Hour Wargaming". There were two objectives on the board in the corner quadrant of each player's deployment zone. To win the game you needed to control BOTH objectives - this forced both players to play a little defense and offense. But it really didn't matter as this was an intro game.
The objectives were - Steam Tank in the Orc deployment (opponent), and an orc Totem in the Empire deployment zone (my deployment). Most of these pictures have pretty decent resolution so you can click and zoom in.
In the end, most of the action was on the Empire left flank around the Tower. The goblins overwhelmed the extreme flank and the archers and halberdiers were overrun. Not really a good outcome since they're orders were to advance across the board and seize the Steam Tank. Only reason the swordsmen survived was because the Empire General was causing decent damage. In the center, the Helblaster Volley gun was the VIP of the game causing massive casualties and reducing the very threatening Orc Boy Boyz to 1 model. This forced the large black orc unit to march to their left and advance through the cover of the ruins. The mounted Reiksguard Knights charged the unit to keep them away from the orc totem objective, but they got smoked.
We played to a timelimit of 2 hours and called the game after 3 turns. It was a draw, even though i controlled one objective and the Orcs none. If we had gone another 3 turns the Orcs would likely have overrun the Empire army but the General an Helblaster were really doing some damage.
Overall, great game, lots of fun.