Saturday, March 28, 2020

Some Oldhammer

So...been a while since I've posted, but here's a quick one.

A group of us were preparing for a big Oldhammer Siege game at Cold Wars 2020.  That, obviously...didn't happen.

But what did happen is that I painted up a bunch of stuff in preparation for the game!

I posted a bunch of these pics already to the Oldhammer in the New World FB page, but they were a little dark.  So, I phone a friend from work and he did some quick post-processing for me and like magic, the pictures were immediately better. 

Anyway, here's an Orc Bolt Thrower that I've had for about the last 3 years waiting for some love.  Finally painted it!

a little out of focus

This last crew member wasn't part of original crew.  When i bought the lot on ebay it didn't have the 3rd crew member.  so...i rummaged through my bin and selected a guy to fill out the last crew member.

And, here's the siege equipment that I painted up (not shown are the ladders, but, you know, they're ladders).

As we were preparing for the game, we realized that we needed more mantlets.  I had some extra balsa wood lying around so the night before i quickly scratch built and painted another mantlet.  Not too bad for about 2 hours total work!

Ok these last units weren't part of the game, but since this is an oldhammer post, I figured I would include them.  These miniatures were some of the very first miniatures I ever bought when I started playing Warhammer back in 1992.  My first army was a Chaos army but i never really finished it (when 4th ed game out there wasn't a chaos army book for a loooooong time - I eventually switched to Dwarfs).
Anyway, I finally got around to finishing this beastman unit.  It was also my first attempt at a freehand banner.  I'm pretty pleased with the result.

It felt great to finally get this unit completed.  I can't wait to finish the rest of my Chaos army and play a game with them.  I've got a Dragon Ogre on the painting table and I will be tackling another long-abandoned miniature - the Blood Thirster. 
