Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Staged Pictures

I'm still experimenting with photographing miniatures, and so I attempted to set up a staged scene and take a bunch of shots.  I was a little cramped for time so rushed a few of the shots but overall they turned out better than I expected. 

Here's the setup.  Two cheap lamps from target with daylight LED bulbs.  Grass mat laid on a coffee table, and white foamboards on the sides held up by books.  The rear board is covered with a grey matt that came with my Foldio2.  I couldn't find a suitable blue background to represent sky.  Next time!

Here's a blurry shot of the goblins.

Chaos knights...

Trying to learn about depth of field and intentionally having some parts of the picture blurry.

Depth of field again: focused on the mounted Lord Edmund, and got the pirate-hat guy out of focus (intentionally).

This shot was take very far away, and I cropped and zoomed.   Amazing how much detail my basic point and shoot Canon Elph PowerShot can get.

This was one of the last shots and definitely rushed.  Even with a little post-processing, the picture wasn't very good...

The purple wizard.

Overall, I definitely want to keep trying.

Monday, January 1, 2018

2017 Year in Review

This post is a bunch of pictures of all the figs that I've completed over this past year (mostly).
I think I remembered them all.  If anything, going through the pictures made me realize that I was much more productive that usual.
This is probably not comprehensive and doesn't include all the scenery I worked on, but it's close enough.

In one case, there's a picture of a miniature that I completed 2 years ago (the giant), but never got around to taking proper pictures.   Noticeably absent is my Frostgrave Warband.  I finished the just under the wire on New Year's Eve, but had already taken pictures for the year. 

Note: This post is picture heavy.

Some London Bobbies for NPC's in In Her Majesty's Name.

Civilians for NPCs for In Her Majesty's Name

French 10mm WW1

The old Warhammer Marauder Giant.  Love this figure.

Quick and dirty goblin tee-pee scenery from the Warhammer Fantasy Battle for Skull Pass boxed set.

Age of Sigmar Stormcast Prosecutor

The Lord Celestant. You can see he's not completed (bunch of details that I haven't finished yet), but he's good enough for the tabletop.

 Pictures got out of order a bit, but here's a closeup of the magnifying glass on the Inspector (sherlock holmes?)
 ...and back to the Prosectuors

The long-awaited Man O' War Bretonnian Fleet!  I've wanted to paint this fleet for so long (around 1994...)

 ...and back to the Prosectors...again...

 some 1/3000th scale Battle for Trafalgar ships.

Interrupted by Stormcasts again.  This time, the entire army.

Wizard for Warhammer (AoS, OldHammer, MidHammer, whatever)

War of Spanish Succession army is finally completed. This is a Dutch army for the United Provinces Grand Alliance.  6mm Baccus figures.