Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Staged Pictures

I'm still experimenting with photographing miniatures, and so I attempted to set up a staged scene and take a bunch of shots.  I was a little cramped for time so rushed a few of the shots but overall they turned out better than I expected. 

Here's the setup.  Two cheap lamps from target with daylight LED bulbs.  Grass mat laid on a coffee table, and white foamboards on the sides held up by books.  The rear board is covered with a grey matt that came with my Foldio2.  I couldn't find a suitable blue background to represent sky.  Next time!

Here's a blurry shot of the goblins.

Chaos knights...

Trying to learn about depth of field and intentionally having some parts of the picture blurry.

Depth of field again: focused on the mounted Lord Edmund, and got the pirate-hat guy out of focus (intentionally).

This shot was take very far away, and I cropped and zoomed.   Amazing how much detail my basic point and shoot Canon Elph PowerShot can get.

This was one of the last shots and definitely rushed.  Even with a little post-processing, the picture wasn't very good...

The purple wizard.

Overall, I definitely want to keep trying.

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