Sunday, August 30, 2020

Call of the Crown Painting Challenge 2020

 I've decided to join the inaugural painting challenge for the Herohammer Crown of Command Podcast, the "Call of Command".  2000 points, 200 point per month.

This was the final push I needed to finally paint my Chaos Army.  Everything kicks off on September 1st. 

I came up with some names for most of the characters and units to help provide some context and color.  As I complete each unit, I'll take pictures and start building a separate background page for the army.

Warband Name: Crimson Blades

Led by Chaos Lord Marus Crimsonblade

He rides a griffon, Chiron

Unit of Chaos Warriors, "the Ragebringers"; the unit's Champion of Khorne hasn't been named yet.

Beastmaster, Sigvald the Low, leading his two chaos hounds, Balefur and Zuch

Dragon Ogre Tarthaek

Bloodthirster, Skullpile Bluntgore.  His "true daemon" name is K'aaohwae F'ppaeowfs (randomly generated from the Realm of Chaos: Slaves to Darkness Daemonic Name Generator!)

I'll fill in the more of the backstories later, but I wanted to get these written down before I forgot.


  1. Black Vasken awaits your emissary to discuss a future alliance when your warband is fully recruited. ;)
