Fought a quick game of WHFB 4th edition in the continuing story of the Warpstone Conflict.
A quick recap of the most recent events:
Lord Edwin the 3rd, newly honored as the Baron of Lietzburg, was young to his title and had not yet earned the right to bear the family heirloom, the Dragon Blade - the traditional sign of the full and rightful Baron. He would need to prove himself on the field of battle; until then he would have to carry the Blessed Sword, a secondary artifact in the family's armory.
So far, Edwin had not fared well as a young commander, recently attacking a Dwarf keep in the mountains of Wissenland, thinking the Dwarfs had found the warpstone and if he could retrieve it he would finally prove worthy enough to take up the Dragon Blade. Unfortunately for Edwin, King Azegor repelled the Talabeclanders and Edwin was seen fleeing the battle field.
Edwin regrouped, and after a few months, raised a small force to invade the Loren Forest where his commanders believed orc and goblin camp of Waaaggh Grom the Paunch and Night Goblin boss Skragg was located. Of course, Boss Skragg was not involved in this scrap because he was too busy licking his wounds after his embarrassing defeat at the hands of Dwarf King Azegor. Grom was also not at the camp, so the greenskins would be led by Skullface (notorious Black Orc, riding his chariot The Basher.
So that's the setting. A small battle, roughly 1100 points per side (4th ed army books).
Some Deployment shots:
Newly acquired squig hoppers in the Orc camp
Yes, that's a unit of common goblins. A sight rarely seen on the battlefield.
The two battle lines approach each other. The other orc chariot on the greenskin left flank when far across the hill trying to outflank the Empire, but Baron saw it and ordered his halberdiers to wheel and counter. The common goblins were led by the NG shaman, Zom the third. Originally they were going to hold back until Zom realized his Waaagh spell was a hand-to-hand combat only spell, so...they reluctantly moved towards the skirmishing Stirland Archers. On the right flank, Blok the troll passed his stupidity tests by staying nice and close to Skullface, advancing towards the empire cannon on the hill, "Old Blue". Fred the Giant was roused from a long nap and decided the pistoliers looked like a tasty snack.
It's about to get interesting...
Back on the Empire right flank, the orc chariot was short on the charge the previous turn, so the halberdiers took the initiative and charged into the chariot, winning combat, and breaking them. This caused the goblins to lose their panic check and flee.
The amethyst wizard looks on as the halberdiers begin to chase the fleeing greenskins
In the magic phase, the wizard cast Hold Fast on the chariot (night goblin shaman Zom was fleeing so he could not dispel). This meant they would be stuck and would not be able to rally on their upcoming turn, potentially setting up a charge and destroy by the halberdiers next turn (cunning!).
...Lord Edwin saw his chance to prove his doubters wrong and launched into combat against Skullface with a fury he had not previous brought to bear. Edwin used the power of the Blessed Sword and defeated Skullface, causing to fail his panic check as well.
This battle was a lot of fun, and it's time name the amethyst wizard as well as the unit of halberdiers.