Sunday, January 2, 2022

Dwarfs vs Empire

In September 2021, we played another game of Warhammer Fantasy 4th ed. 

Shortly after Dwarf King Azegor defeated Grom the Paunch during the orc attack on his mountain fortress, word got out to the new, young, and brash Baron of Leitzburg, Edwin the III.   Newly named after the early death of his father Edwin the II, the young baron believed he needed to prove his worth to his new men, and mustered a small force to attack the Dwarfs believing they were in possession of the rumored warpstone that was in the area, causing all the recent conflict.  At this point, Edwin hadn't earned the right to wield the family heirloom, the Dragon Blade, and so he went into battle with his current blade the Blessed Sword.   If he could defeat the Dwarfs, he would prove his mettle and take up the family blade, and the true symbol of his real power as the Baron of Leitzburg.

So that's the background. 

Here's the pictures!

The young baron rashly decides to charge unto combat against the slayers, lead by Bakzharr the Unlucky. 

Not good for the young baron, fleeing the field!
..a defeat for the Empire.  It appears the young baron will not be wielding the Dragon Blade yet.


  1. Loving the narrative! Hopefully the young Baron can level up.

    1. Thanks Airborne! check the latest post - there's a new chapter in the story of the young Baron!

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