Updated with some additional quotes, and fixed the size of the pics.
After a long hiatus, there was some Warhammering completed last night.
With some newly acquired Kroxigors from Wally's Basement at Cold Wars 2014, the Lizardmen were ready to fight the Skaven with a full 1200 point army. Things were about to
get real in the Whole Foods Parking Lot...
deployment |
Le Coq Fou's deployment advice: "If I were the lizards, I'd go for some kind of envelopment of the flank and hope my center can hold out."
He was partially prescient.
minor casualties after 1 turn |
top of the 2nd turn |
Of course,
Le Coq Fou's opinion was that "all those unpainted figs should suffer a -1 leadership modifier", which is not a bad idea...
Gutter runners attacked the Krox here, but everyone forgot that the Kroxigors cause Fear. The Gutter Runners should have taken a Fear check first, and also may have automatically broken, too.
skaven tunnel team sneak attack! |
plague monks vs skinks |
it wouldn't be a battle with Skaven without some warp lightning.
"I hate warp lightning." -Le Coq Fou |
bottom of 2nd, and bottom of that beer |
both saurus units charge in! |
Top of 3rd, three combats still raging. Kroxigors eventually fended off the gutter runners |
bottom of 3rd, one unit of saurus broke, then rallied. |
warlock engineer shot to death by poison darts from skinks |
plague monks break the Krox |
Note: apparently there was a big mistake in game mechanics here where the Krox ran away - they have great weapons but they charged so they should have struck first (great weapons only strike last when Initiative determines striking order).
Also during this turn, the Skaven Chieftan refused a challenge and was leading from the back like a coward.
Top of the 4th; also, looks like that beer was topped off |
bottom of the 4th |
During bottom of the 4th, unit of Saurus ran off the board, and the other unit of Saurus were really hurting. The Krox also rallied.
Top of the 5th |
During 5th, second unit of saurus broke and were overrun. Observer quote "not looking good for the lizards". Kroxigors at this point had a complete whiff on a return attack.
Lizards cast a comet in desperation and it landed squarely on the clanrats. But too little, too late. |
By the end of game wrap-up it was official that the Skaven had massacred the Lizardmen, dealing the Lizzies their first defeat since joining the group. But they were determined to exact their revenge...
Kroxigor's uncle was called in to avenge the fallen |
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