Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Army Background V2

Some background for my Empire Army. 
Lietzburg's First
Standing army of the small village of Lietzburg on the outskirts of Castle Lietziger, home of Duke Krieglitz. The Duke is loyal to the current Elector Count of Talabecland but still contests thecountship, keeping things just on the verge of stable.  Edmund, however, is more reckless believing his uncle the rightful heir wanted to keep the fight alive long after the Duke had ceded thecountship to his rival.  To keep him under thumb, the Duke gave Edmund the title of Baron and settled him in the village of Lietzburg.  
General: Edmund “The Absent” is the nephew of DukeKrieglitzEdmund is called The Absent Baron due to his proclivity to assist other Empire armies in battle, flying off on his Pegasus to join the fight.
General/Hero: The majority of the time the army is led by the local Graf, captain Dieter Krup when Edmund is not present, which is most of the time. Krup is a competent veteran soldier who keeps his units well drilled.  Krup wields a magic sword bestowed to him by Edmund upon return from one of his far-flung campaigns, as well as enhanced armor that a prized possession of the village.
The Grey Wizard of Leitziger: Dubbed “The Wiz” by the men, he is a strange character that lives on the edge of town. He had previously assisted the Duke in suppressing the Dead Uprising of 2505.
Spearmen Unit: The Taal Eagles, constitute the main standing army of state troops of Lietzburg
Handgunners Unit: The Flinteagles, detachment to the TaalEagles. Unit leader Andre is a crackshot with the HochlandLongrifle that he won in a game of cards.
Greatswords Unit: The Lietzguard, personal bodyguard of the Baron, led by the Graf.
Pistoliers UnitSons of TaalThe Elector Count has gifted this unit to the Baron as “help”, but the unit is populated with sons from the noble houses that remained outwardly loyal to the Count during the contested countship conflict – a way to keep an eye on the scheming Duke and his erratic nephew Baron Edmund.
Swordsmen Unit: The Bloodpine Shields, border guards of theBloodpine Forest in Altdorf near the southern border ofTalabecland, they are part of the official State Troop Muster from Lietzburg.
Stirland Archers Unit: the infamous Deathjacks
Knights Panther Unit: from the local chapter house
Master Engineer: Irwin the Mad, artillery engineer from Nulnwho resettled in Lietzburg after the Disaster at Kiev. While not the best engineer, he’s fancies himself a pretty good shot with his Hochland Longrifle.
Great Cannons battery: The Ladies of Nuln, Bobbie and Betsy, two cannons that Irwin brought with him.
Helblaster Volley Gun: Irwin’s Vengeance, Irwin the Engineers’ latest discovery, an old Volley Gun that he swears is working.

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