After perusing the Empire Army book for Warhammer 6th Edition I realized that it might be time to reconsider my opinion of Greatswords. I had always ignored them mainly because I didn't like the figs, in any
edition. Never a fan of the squiggly swords, never liked the poses, etc.
OOP Greatswords |
But looking at the rules and their army list entry it seems that they're one of my better infantry choices.
They're 12 points, come with full plate armor (save of 4+), Weapon Skill 4, Stubborn (take break checks on unmodified Leadership regardless of combat results), and their double handed swords are great weapons so they have +2 strength. Only real downside is that they take up a Special slot.
With all of this in mind, my new challenge is to find figures that I like enough to field a unit.
I don't like the
current GW Greatswords; that squiggle sword just really bothers me. I do, however, like the optional sword that comes on the sprue (
Yes |
No |
Artizan Designs has some
fantastic two-handed Landsknechts but I'm looking for models that are a little more heavily armored.
Artizan |
What I really want are dismounted knights in full suits of armor, no shield, and a hand weapon. Either like the old edition
Reiksguard Knights, or the
Men-At-Arms that Foundry has.
Foundry |
If the scale matches then I can just swap whatever the weapons they come with for the two handed swords from the GW sprue (if I can find enough of them). I don't think the Foundry scale will match well enough with the current GW swords. And honestly, I doubt I'll be able to get enough of
just the specific swords to make that a feasible option.
Front Rank has two
figures that would work, the Italian Armor guys Hand-And-A-Half Sword Raised.
Front Rank |
The search will just have to continue. Maybe the answer is to mix and match and use a few from each manufacturer.
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