Sunday, December 8, 2013

Alternative Greatswords

After perusing the Empire Army book for  Warhammer 6th Edition I realized that it might be time to reconsider my opinion of Greatswords. I had always ignored them mainly because I didn't like the figs, in any edition.  Never a fan of the squiggly swords, never liked the poses, etc.

OOP Greatswords

But looking at the rules and their army list entry it seems that they're one of my better infantry choices.
They're 12 points, come with full plate armor (save of 4+), Weapon Skill 4, Stubborn (take break checks on unmodified  Leadership regardless of combat results), and their double handed swords are great weapons so they have +2 strength.   Only real downside is that they take up a Special slot.

With all of this in mind, my new challenge is to find figures that I like enough to field a unit.

I don't like the current GW Greatswords; that squiggle sword just really bothers me. I do, however, like the optional sword that comes on the sprue (non-squiggle).

Artizan Designs has some fantastic two-handed Landsknechts but I'm looking for models that are a little more heavily armored.

What I really want are dismounted knights in full suits of armor, no shield, and a hand weapon.  Either like the old edition Reiksguard Knights, or the Men-At-Arms that Foundry has.
If the scale matches then I can just swap whatever the weapons they come with for the two handed swords from the GW sprue (if I can find enough of them).  I don't think the Foundry scale will match well enough with the current GW swords. And honestly, I doubt I'll be able to get enough of just the specific swords to make that a feasible option.

Front Rank has two figures that would work, the Italian Armor guys Hand-And-A-Half Sword Raised.
Front Rank

The search will just have to continue.  Maybe the answer is to mix and match and use a few from each manufacturer.

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