Friday, December 6, 2013

Questions, Mistakes, and Second-guessing

There were a few things that came up during the recent game of Empire vs Skaven.

The first was, what happens when you charge models that are "lapping around" another unit?
After re-reading the rulebook, it's actually pretty clear. You try to charge those models, and the models immediately return to their rear ranks. If you can no longer make the charge to the main unit then it's a failed charge. If the charger can still reach the unit then they would just make contact with the main unit.

Another thing that came up was this crazy idea that was stuck in my mind: stand-and-shoot casualties counted towards combat resolution. That's not the case.  I have no idea where that came from.

Now, on to the second-guessing.
I didn't realize how powerful the Skaven warlock engineer could be. It looks like if i'm fighting Skaven I need to bring at least a Level 1 Wizard to give me a better chance at dispelling the warp-condenser.

As for my general, I armed him with the Sword of Righteousness, all attacks hit on a 2+.  I thought this was a great idea but the Skaven Chieftan had a 2 or a 3+ armor save and he managed to save every wound that I caused.  As a hero / captain, my general only had a strength 4 so not really enough to modify the armor save and kill the opponent.  In the future I need to keep in mind how I armed the captain and what he's good at: causing wounds on infantry to help win combat, not challenges against above-average heroes.

The shooting units of my army performed terribly.  Of course, these units made up a pretty large portion of my army so this practically doomed me from the beginning.  It probably won't alter my plans for what units to field, but it was definitely was a little sobering.

A tactical situation that I'm re-thinking is the first spearmen vs giant rats combat.  The spearmen beat the giant rats who fled and I decided to pursue.  I'm not totally sure that was a great idea because it left the supporting detachments alone and not really in any position to be useful.
I also think I may have needed a better plan to deal with the objective.  My plan partially came about because my deployment zone was slightly restricted and I wanted to have the detachments lined up on either side of the spearmen which didn't leave me with much room to deploy the spearmen. An alternative would have been to deploy a little further forward and have the swordsmen behind the units as a reserve, but I knew Skaven would be across the board in two turns and I'd be pretty bunched up.

I didn't see much that the Skaven did wrong.

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